Mindfulness-Based Stressed Reduction
Taught by certified teachers
Juanita is one of the few MBSR teachers accredited by the University of Massachusetts Center for Mindfulness, the “mothership” of MBSR. This link directs you to a list of certified instructors: http://w3.umassmed.edu/CFMInstructorSearch/#/index/search?filter=de%20sanz.
Two decades of published research indicate that the majority of people who complete the eight-week program report greater ability to cope more effectively with both short- and long-term stressful situations.
By learning to actively participate in the management of health and well being, many participants report they are better able to manage stress, fear, anger, anxiety and depression both at home and in the workplace.
Participants have stated that they feel less judgmental and critical of themselves, and subsequently of others. Many also report a decrease of the frequency and length of medical visits to hospitals and other professional health-care providers. There has also been a noticeable decrease in the use of prescription and non-prescription medications among students of MBSR.
People taking the MBSR class come from all walks of life, but they share one thing in common: the desire to find more balance, peace and happiness in their lives. If you share these aspirations, MBSR can be a valuable resource for you.
Here is an article from O Magazine that also explains the benefits of MBSR.
Class Structure
The Mindfulness–Based Stress Reduction Program is an intensive eight-week training to empower participants to take an active role in the management of their health and wellness. The classes meet weekly for 2.5 hours each class and there is an all-day session, usually in the sixth week on a Saturday or Sunday. Participants are asked to practice mindfulness meditation and/or mindful movement for 30-45 minutes a day with instructional audios. An intensive teacher-participant relationship helps the participant integrate the teaching into her or his specific life situations and so really make the practice his or her own. For a full course outline, please visit https://umassmed.edu/cfm/mindfulness-based-programs/mbsr-courses/mbsr/mbsr-course-outline/